A couple of months after winning the 2007 DMC Technics GCC title which was held at the MYX Club, Hyatt in Dubai, we went to London, UK. My wife and my daughter Aliyah was with me. We flew Emirates via Dubai and off to heathrow. It was their first trip to England and my 3rd (hoping for a 4th this year), the weather was a bit chilled, my kumpareng Dino picked us up at the airport and we drove south. It was refreshing after some time spending in Kuwait where you see a lot of sand and clear skies, well, in the UK, there were trees, trees, and a whole lot of trees! The sky was (as usual) gloomy as if it would rain any moment. Pinky and Aliyah had fun sight seeing while we were on our way to 'pareng Dino's house in Surrey. Anyways, our schedule was a bit tight, because we only have 10 days to spend in the UK and there were about a gazillion of places to go to. After dropping our bags and luggages at Dino's place we drove off to Alice Holt Farnham for breakfast. We had coffee, Eggs, bread, bacon, hash browns... Yum-yum!

Day 3 in England, The whole family headed to London, Dino drove his Ford Galaxy (we missed the train)Mareng Ethel and the kids were with us:-) It was good, we went to Hampton Court Palace where we checked out the great "maze" Oh boy, sure you don't wanna try this when you're in London, we spent hours inside the freaking maze, trying to find our way out! We met people inside that stayed half of their day trying as well! It was one heck of a trip!

Evening in London, we went to check out the London Eye (not what you have in mind), I hate heights, yeah my wife teases me all the time. We had Hotdogs and Coke while checking the view over the River Thames and we listened to Big Ben's clock bells. I just missed the Star Wars exhibit (we were half an hour late!!), so I ended up having a snap with master Yoda! Then we walked down to Westminster, It was awesome at night! I saw vendors at the bridge sidewalk selling souvenirs, fried sugar coated peanuts (kinda reminds me of the Philippines) I was looking for some Balut & Penoy Lol. It was fun, we had a great time, Thanks, Pareng Dino!

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