Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cannes Lions - IAA Winning Entry!

A colleague at the agency forwarded me a 'brief' from the IAA-Cannes Lions Kuwait Chapter about a Creative competition with a theme based on the famous inauguration speech of JFK, "Ask not what your Country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your Country".  And the prize? A friggin' trip to Cannes, France and a week-long stay for the Cannes Lions Festival! All expenses paid! So, I got excited and did some scribbles and jumped to my mac and came up with these designs - THE WINNING AD CAMPAIGN!


In JFK's inaugural speech, lies a statement where citizens of the world
have to ask themselves: What are we going to do to help our country be a
better place to live in?

The idea behind the campaign is to have a provocative yet workable,
shocking yet awesome visual and message to citizens of the world to act
and do something, the country cannot do everything for its people without
the people themselves move and help their country.

LEBANON: A Beautiful country bruised and battered, whose fate is hanging by
a thread of political turmoil calls on its people - SAVE ITS FUTURE

INDIA: Contrary to the popular belief, India's fast-growing economy has a
price to pay- the rising number of poverty and STARVATION.

PHILIPPINES: For over decades, the former pearl of the orient and tiger of
Asia has become the least in the race for progress due to a disease that
has been plaguing the country - CORRUPTION.

These are illustrated and shown as flags that tells the inside story.
Look closely, see what's happening on the inside from the outside.

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